

有此一說: 記得去年以收過這封mail,沒想到這陣子又再度收到 全文內容如下,請問是真的嗎? --- 上週三,奧茲醫生在一個婦女節目中演講現今增長最快的女性癌病;『甲狀腺癌』。這是一個非常有趣的節目,奧茲醫生說這個在女性癌病中增長最快速的甲狀腺癌,可能跟病人在照牙科的X光片和乳房X光檢查有關。 奧茲醫生指出,當牙醫幫您的牙齒照X片時,那個X機設備配有一個活動兜罩,可以舉起和包裹在你的脖子上,保護甲狀腺,但是許多牙醫懶得去使用它。此外,還有一種叫做『甲狀腺護罩』為病人在做乳房X光檢查時用,但很多時都沒有使用。 很巧合,我昨天去醫院做每年乳房X光健康檢查。我問照X光 的技師:"有沒有『甲狀腺護罩』",技術員說:"有,只是一直放在抽屜裡,不經常使用。"我問為什麼,技術員答:"我不知道。病人要問才會用"。 "嗯,如果我沒有看過奧茲醫生這個節目,我怎麼懂得去問? 雖然照X光檢查牙齒和乳房,只需要幾秒到幾分鐘,但由於『甲狀腺』位於頸部下前方,呈盾牌狀或盔甲狀,X光的輻射很容易影響到『甲狀腺』。 以後記得;每當要照X光檢查牙齒和乳房,記得提出要用『甲狀腺護罩』圍在脖子上。 我們要把這信息傳遞給我們的女兒,侄女,母親和我們所有的女性朋友。丈夫要告訴你的妻子! 好心腸的人轉發了給我。我希望你也能轉發給你的朋友和家人。 Thyroid cancer On Wednesday, Dr. Oz had a show on the fastest growing cancer in women, thyroid cancer. It was a very interesting program and he mentioned that the increase could possibly be related to the use of dental x-rays and mammograms. He demonstrated that on the apron the dentist puts on you for your dental x-rays there is a little flap that can be lifted up and wrapped around your neck. Many dentists don't bother to use it. Also, there is something called a "thyroid guard" for use during mammograms. By coincidence, I had my yearly mammogram yesterday. I felt a little silly, but I asked about the guard and sure enough, the technician had one in a drawer. I asked why it wasn't routinely used. Answer: "I don't know. You have to ask for it." Well, if I hadn't seen the show, how would I have known to ask? We need to pass this on to our daughters, nieces, mothers and all our female friends and husbands tell your wives !! I just did, now you send it on to your list. Someone was nice enough to forward this to me. I hope you pass this on to your friends and family.
KingNet婦科腫瘤醫師回答 台北醫學大學附設醫院 梁宏華醫師 以乳房外科的觀點來說, 乳房攝影是針對乳房局部的X光照射, 雖然位於頸部的甲狀腺可能也會稍稍受到影響, 但是劑量屬於可接受範圍, 而且乳房攝影多為45歲以上的女性才接受的檢查, 甲狀腺是在年幼時期暴露在放射線影響才大, 所以不用過於擔心, 可以放心接受檢查



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