
  • 患者信息: 43歲

    請問condense vitreous (個人猜想正確寫法應該是condensed vitreous)是不是指玻璃體液化所產生之玻璃體凝縮現象?

    2007-01-22 01:00:28

  • 林勇義醫師

    林勇義 醫師 於 2007-01-22 09:55:14 回覆

    A posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) occurs when the collagen fibers which make up the vitreous cavity condense, causing the gel to "pull forward." Patients typically complain of seeing central floaters and/or flashes of light, usually in their peripheral vision. This is a normal age-related phenomenon, but in some patients, it can be associated with a retinal tear or detachment.一般玻璃體液化或是單純condense vitreous 都沒有關係.但是如果一旦因為condense vitreous 而造成PVD的情況就要特別注意.因為有可能造成vitreous traction而將視網膜拉扯出裂孔.
  • 林勇義醫師

    林勇義 醫師 眼科

